Public Concerns
The public is welcome and encouraged to attend all regular Board meetings. Citizens are given an opportunity to address the Board during the remonstrance part of the meeting.
Persons wishing to address the Board of Education should submit a blue card (found in the lobby) to the Treasurer prior to the meeting so they may be recognized by the Board President and welcomed to make comment. If you wish to speak, please wait to be recognized by the President.
You will be asked to state your name, address, and group affiliation, if appropriate, and that your comments be limited to five (5) minutes in length. No participant may speak more than once on the same topic unless all others who wish to speak on that topic have been heard. All statements shall be directed to the presiding officer, no person may address or question Board members individually.
Decisions on Public Concerns and Suggestions
If a question from a concerned citizen can be answered at the time it is posed, it will be. However, more complex matters require sufficient time for study and consideration.
Specific situations will be referred to the administration for investigation and review. If policy action is required, the matter must be scheduled by the Board on a future agenda. In such a case, the person requesting the action will be notified of this meeting date.
Individuals are encouraged to seek information or action from the school principal and/or teacher before bringing a matter before the Board. Contacting the persons directly involved will, in many cases, clear up misunderstandings or bring a desirable result. Matters, which cannot be resolved at the building level, should be brought to the attention of the Superintendent prior to consideration by the Board of Education.
Concerns may best be handled through proper channels. For example, a problem involving a teacher's procedures might be resolved by working directly with the teacher or the principal. A problem involving transportation might be resolved by working with the bus driver or the transportation supervisor. They may refer you to, or you may want to contact the Superintendent for further assistance. We appreciate your interest, and we are eager to assist you in resolving your concerns.