1) When does the Board of Education meet?
The Twinsburg Board of Education meets in regular session at the Twinsburg Government Center in Council Chambers on the first and third Wednesdays of each month with the following exceptions: June - first and fourth Wednesday of the month (6/7/2023 and 6/28/2023); July - only one Board meeting (7/19/2023); December - only one Board Meeting (12/13/2023). All Regular and Special Board Meetings are open to the public. Special Board meetings and Board committee meetings are called as needed.
Under Ohio law, the Board may hold Executive Sessions to discuss personnel matters, litigation, purchase of property, negotiations, matters required to be kept confidential by federal law or state statutes, and details of security arrangements. Executive Sessions are used for discussion only. All Board action must be taken in public session.
2) Are School Board meetings televised?
Monthly Board of Education meetings are televised on the District YouTube channel and posted on the Broadcasts section of the website following the meeting.