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Public Records Request

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Public Records Requests

Per Board Policy and Administrative Guideline 8310, requests for public records should be made directly to the District Records Officer (DRO):

The following procedures shall be followed in connection with requests to inspect and secure copies of the Twinsburg City School District's public records:

A. Requests to inspect and/or obtain copies of public records shall be submitted to the DRO. A public records request must at least identify the records requested with sufficient clarity to allow the District to identify, retrieve, and review the records. If it is not clear what records are being sought, the DRO shall contact the requester for clarification.

B. Individuals requesting to inspect and/or obtain copies of public records do not have to put records requests in writing and do not have to provide his/her identity or the intended use of the requested public record(s).

All requests for public records will either be satisfied or will be acknowledged in writing by the DRO promptly following the District's receipt of the request. If the request for records was in writing, the acknowledgement shall also be in writing.

With respect to public records that are determined to be available, the DRO will direct the requester to the place where the requested records may be inspected and will arrange for the preparation and certification of copies upon tender of any required fee.

Any denial of public records requested will include an explanation, including legal authority. If portions of a record are public and portions are exempt, the exempt portions will be redacted and the rest released. If there are redactions, each redaction will be accompanied by a supporting explanation, including legal authority.

With respect to records that are determined not to be available, the DRO will notify the requester of same, noting the reason for unavailability. The DRO shall also notify the requester of the estimated time necessary to process and fulfill the request, make arrangements with the requester for delivery of the requested records, and arrange a method of communication between the requester and the School District in the event that further information is needed by the District to fulfill the request.  

The charge for paper copies is $.10 per page.

Public records requests may be made via email to:  [email protected] or can be mailed to:
Twinsburg Board of Education Office
Attention: District Records Officer
11136 Ravenna Road
Twinsburg, OH  44087