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City School District



 Welcome to Twinsburg Council PTA!
 *You can reach each individual PTA's webpage by clicking on the name in the box on the right. See below for their email address, mailing address and link to pay for memberships online. Their current membership form is in the box on the right if you don't want to pay online through the link below. Please make sure you send in the form with payment!
Wilcox Primary PTA  (Grades Preschool, PreK, KG, 1)                                     [email protected]
     Wilcox PTA mailing address: 9198 Darrow Road

Samuel Bissell Elementary PTA (Grades 2, 3)                                                    [email protected]
     Bissell PTA mailing address: 1811 Glenwood Drive

George G. Dodge Intermediate PTA (Grades 4, 5, 6)                                        [email protected]
     Dodge PTA mailing address: 10225 Ravenna Road

R.B. Chamberlin Middle/Twinsburg High School PTA (Grades 7-12)          [email protected]
     RBC/THS PTA mailing address: 10270 Ravenna Road
The TCSD Council PTA serves as the umbrella organization for the four Twinsburg City School District Building PTAs:  Wilcox, Bissell, Dodge, and R.B. Chamberlin/Twinsburg High School.  
In addition to running Council-specific events (i.e. District-wide Spiritwear sales, Reflections Art Program, District-wide Spring Fundraiser, Staff Appreciation for the bus garage and board office, Senior Yard Signs and the Senior Scholarship Program), this seven-member board is a support and communication vehicle for the district's administration, staff, and building PTA organizations.  
For specific information on each building's PTA, please use the links on the right.
Contact any of the Council PTA board members with any questions or concerns.

 Email us: [email protected]
Find us on Facebook: Twinsburg Council PTA

 Mailing Address (Board of Education): 
Twinsburg Council PTA
11136 Ravenna Road
Twinsburg, Ohio 44087

Council PTA Executive Board for 2024-2025
Carrie Gichenko, President
Jen Lunn, Vice President
Amy Jenyk, Treasurer
Melinda Philips, Secretary
Lauren Wallace-Enriquez, Reflections Chair  [email protected]

    Council PTA Meetings for 2024-2025
Thursday, September 12 at 7:00 pm (LGI Room)
Thursday, November 14 at 7:00 pm (Zoom)
Tuesday, February 18 at 7:00 pm (Zoom)
Tuesday, April 15 (Elections) at 7:00 pm (LGI Room)

2024 Senior Scholarship Program
by the Twinsburg Council PTA
Congratulations to our Senior Award Recipients!

The Twinsburg Council PTA is proud to present the recipients of our Brick-by-Brick Leadership Scholarship: Dominic Genova and Will Linson!
Each Senior was awarded $1000 and both exemplify amazing leadership among their peers and community! Congratulations!

The Twinsburg Council PTA is proud to present the recipients of our Twinsburg PTA Scholarship for Volunteerism: Lilya Bucknell, Josie Davis, Jessica Downing, Dominic Genova, Koren Goss, Kristopher Kimmell, Will Linson and Christopher Lyden!
Each Senior was awarded $500 for volunteering and giving back to their school and community throughout their high school career. Congratulations!

Past Events

Reflections 2023-2024

We were proud to send 28 Reflection pieces (Photography, Visual Arts, Literature, Dance, Film, and Music Composition) to the Ohio PTA this year. Many thanks to all the Twinsburg students who submitted their work.

Agampratap Kanwar, Alex Costigan, Ali Dixon, Aniha Manikandan, Aniyah Pickens, Aurora Huey, Carmella Grummit, Elisa Unangst, Emma Gichenko, Gabi Basta, Grace Gichenko, Hannah Kurt, Jason Thompson, Jordan Wagner, Joseph Huffman, Kari Nichols, Kelsey McDonough, Kyle Miller, Lilya Bucknell, Madison Hardman, Mansimran Kaur, Medha Lalit Iyer, Mia Potkalitsky, Patrick Costigan, Raenna Zmorowski, Roshnee Deshpande, Tarini Wickramasinghe, Vincent DelSignore

Congratulations to our Ohio PTA Finalists!

Get Ready for Reflections 2024-2025!
Theme: Accepting Imperfection
More Information Coming in Fall of 2024

Black History Program 2024
Monday, February 5th, 5-7pm at THS

On Monday, February 5th, the Twinsburg Council PTA hosted their 2nd annual Black History Month Program at Twinsburg High School.  Community vendors displayed their wares in the Commons during the first hour of the program and then all gathered in the auditorium for performances by:  Kehlynn Gilmer (daughter of Harrison & Arrione Gilmer of Reminderville), the THS Black History Club, Niles Linson (son of Will & Kimberly Linson of Twinsburg), Rose Kadiri (daughter of Augustine & Alicia Kadiri of Twinsburg), A’Niya Jones (daughter of Brandon & Alyce Jones of Reminderville), Leonce’ Satterwhite, Violet Kadiri (daughter of Augustine & Alicia Kadiri of Twinsburg), students from Ms. Merrin Richardson’s Dance & Fitness class at THS, Gabriel Jones (son of Jamette Jones of Twinsburg), Joseph Ferrell, Rebekah Ferrell, Joshua Ferrell, Rosannah Ferrell, Jeremiah Ferrell, and Ruby Joy Ferrell (children of Jeffrey & Raeshonda Ferrell of Twinsburg). The special guest presenter was THS alum, Class of 2010 Dr. Jalil Mustaffa Bishop.  The event was emceed by THS senior Aidan Booker (son of Karl & Cynthia Booker of Twinsburg).  This year’s program was a fantastic success and we want to thank Mrs. Holly Wise and the Twinsburg Council PTA’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee for their hard work and dedication to our school family! 
We were fortunate that Dennis Suchetka from Community Focus was able to videotape this year’s Black History Program.  You can watch the program in its entirety at:  As always, we appreciate our friends from Community Focus for their continued support!

Our Guest Speaker, Dr. Jalil Mustaffa Bishop, grew up in Twinsburg Heights, Ohio —a 100-year-old working-class Black neighborhood that thrives despite rampant structural racism. His roots in the community shape his lifelong pursuit of racial justice as collective action and material impact. Jalil’s research and advocacy are known for threading intersectional analysis on how racism and anti-racism function across housing, education, workforce development, and policymaking. He aims to always highlight how Black people build lives against and beyond racism—what he refers to as Black lifemaking.

Jalil is a sought-after expert for his national research projects, grassroots policymaking and high-impact evaluations, all coupled with critical lens to understand what justice requires. Throughout his career, he has been a Vice-Provost Scholar at the University of Pennsylvania, an Assistant Professor of Education at Villanova University, and a national advocate on college affordability and the Black student debt crisis.


A great big thank you to the local businesses and organizations who supported
 the Twinsburg Council PTA at the Tiger Tailgate on
Friday, September 22!

Thank you to everyone who attended and also supported the PAWS on Child Hunger 
Program with the purchase of 50/50 Raffle Tickets! 



Currently serving over 240 children throughout every corner of our District, the PAWS on Child Hunger program provides weekend food assistance for Wilcox Primary School, Samuel Bissell Elementary School, George D. Dodge Intermediate School and RB Chamberlin Middle School children who qualify. Students receive a bag of nutritious, kid-friendly food items to take home on Friday afternoons during the school year. 
We are asking for your generosity and support of this program by donating through either of the link below:

For the TCSD children the PAWS on Child Hunger program supports, the food they receive at school is sometimes their only access to a full balanced meal and programs like these are the only way to get them through the weekend. Please consider donating so that no Tiger Child goes hungry.