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Board of Education
Board of Education
School Board
Rhonda Crawford
[email protected]
Current Term of Office: January 1, 2022 – December 31, 2025
“As an involved parent in the schools, I’m excited to advocate for the education of ALL children in our community. I will strive to elevate and enhance the Twinsburg City School District and make a real impact in our students' lives. I’m thankful for this opportunity to serve our community as a member of the Twinsburg Board of Education to help make a difference!”
Rhonda Crawford has been a resident of Twinsburg since 2001, but currently lives in Reminderville. She is an alumna of University of Akron, with a B.S. in Organization Supervision and an Associate of Arts degree. Her husband, Cameron, is on the board for the Twinsburg Baseball League and the Twinsburg Recreation Basketball League. Mr. & Mrs. Crawford value service to the community and teach this to their children through their example. They have four children. Their oldest daughter Driana is a graduate of Twinsburg High School, Class of 2016, their sons Cameron (9th) who attends Twinsburg High School and Caiden (7th) who attends R.B. Chamberlin Middle School and their youngest son attends Wilcox Primary School (1st Grade). Mrs. Crawford currently works at Key Bank in management. She also serves as the District Chair for the Twinsburg Council PTA's Diversity & Inclusion and Health & Wellness Committee. Mrs. Crawford is the Past President of Samuel Bissell Elementary School PTA and has served in other PTA Board roles. She is a very involved parent who has been active in volunteering for various organizations in the schools and the community.
Tina Davis,Vice President
[email protected]
Current Term of Office: January 1, 2022 – December 31, 2025
“In my experience as an educator and an involved parent, I have observed what makes the Twinsburg City School District such a great place for our children to be educated. I am honored and grateful that my colleagues have chosen me as to serve in the roles of both Board President and Vice President, and I will continually do my best to serve the Twinsburg City School District,” said Davis.
Mrs. Davis is a 22 year resident of Twinsburg and is serving her third term as board member since 2014. A former teacher, she received her Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education from the University of Akron, has been an active volunteer in her church, the schools, and the community, and remains dedicated to advocating for the students of Twinsburg. Tina is currently employed as a Patient Service Specialist at the Cleveland Clinic. Some things Tina enjoys in her spare time are spending time with her family, cooking, and nature photography. Married, she and her husband Brian, a teacher at RB Chamberlin Middle School, have three children - A 2019 graduate, a 2021 graduate, and a senior at THS.
Beth Egan, Member
[email protected]
Current Term of Office: January 1, 2024 – December 31, 2027
“As a Twinsburg City School District parent, I look forward to serving on the Board of Education because I believe in this community, and I believe in our schools. As a parent, I am keenly aware of our schools’ assets and challenges. I want to listen to parents, teachers, administrators, support staff, and students, and do my part to help continue the tradition of excellence in the Twinsburg City School District. Of the hundreds of volunteer hours I have contributed to the Twinsburg community, I believe the time I serve as a school board member will be the most meaningful. I truly believe schools are the glue that binds a strong community.”
Mrs. Egan has been a resident of Twinsburg for over 20 years and is an active Twinsburg parent, serving as President of the Twinsburg Youth Football and Cheer Program and is a board member of the Twinsburg Athletic Boosters. She is also committed to the larger community and volunteers her time with the Twinsburg Rotary Club.
Mrs. Egan is an IT project manager with Verizon specializing in vendor management. She has also focused on project management with implementation and new product training while employed with Verizon over the past 14 years. Her experiences with leading teams, planning and achieving goals, building strong relationships, and striving for excellence have defined her career. Mrs. Egan was born and raised in Steubenville, graduated from the University of Mount Union where she studied business marketing and information systems and moved to northeast Ohio after college. Mrs. Egan comes from a long line of educators and coaches. Her father, uncle, father-in-law and cousins have all been educators and coaches. Beth and her husband, Scott, have two children. Her older son, Ryan, graduated with honors from Twinsburg High School in 2023 and is attending the University of Akron. While attending Twinsburg High School, he ran cross country, played tennis and was a member of the National Honor Society. Her younger son, Sam, is currently a sophomore at Twinsburg High School, plays football and is a member of the track team.
Maria Hamilton, Member
[email protected]
Current Term of Office: January 1, 2024 – December 31, 2027
“As a committed parent in the Twinsburg City School District, it is my honor and privilege to serve as a member of the Twinsburg Board of Education. I promise you that I will always do my best to serve and strive to make a difference in the Twinsburg City School District!”
Ms. Maria Hamilton has been a resident of Twinsburg for over 20 years. She currently serves as Treasurer for George G. Dodge Intermediate School, and has been a PTA board member for approximately 6 years. Maria is a board member for the Twinsburg Baseball League, a member of the TCSD Equity Steering Committee, and also serves as a member of the Curriculum and Technology Committee. Maria received her undergraduate degree in Business Administration from Kent State University and possesses a Master’s degree in Business Administration from Ursuline College. Ms. Hamilton is currently employed with Amazon Incorporated in its Amazon Web Services Division as a Project Manager. She has a son Bruce Hamilton Jr., a sixth grader who is an honor roll student at George Dodge Intermediate School. He plays baseball for the Twinsburg Baseball League, Twinsburg Rec basketball, and loves to play golf.
Lea Travis
, Member
[email protected]
Current Term of Office: January 1, 2022 – December 31, 2025
“I feel honored to be on the Twinsburg City School District Board of Education and to serve during the calendar year of 2025. I am committed to serving our three communities and to making every decision in the absolute best interest of all our children. I bring the gift of over 35 years in public education and I will do my best to support the teaching and learning needed to prepare our children for success.”
Mrs. Travis has been a resident of Twinsburg for 24 years. Lea has over 35+ years of experience in public education. She has been a high school social studies teacher, an elementary school principal and a district curriculum director. She is currently a curriculum consultant for the Educational Service Center of NE Ohio. Lea is also a Data Lead for the State of Ohio serving districts by collaborating with administrators and teachers to interpret their student data as they work to improve the teaching and learning in their district. Additionally, she is a facilitator for the Ohio State Dyslexia Training Model for grades K -12. Mrs. Travis has been a member of our PTA, the Band Boosters and has served on the Curriculum and Technology committee for the district’s Strategic Plan. Lea continues to serve on the district Curriculum and Technology Committee and is the Board’s representative to the Buildings and Grounds Committee and the Finance Committee. Lea received her BS from Ohio University, her MA+ from the University of Dayton and holds a superintendent license from Kent State University. Married, she and her husband, Terry, have three sons and a daughter.
Functions of the Board
Welcome to the Board of Education page of the Twinsburg City School District website. We encourage all of those living and/or working in our educational community to take an interest in the work of the Board of Education. We invite you to join us at our meetings or to call or email us with any ideas, questions, or concerns.
The Board of Education is your elected representative body and is responsible to the residents of the Twinsburg City School District. The functions of the Board are:
To serve as a policy-making body.
To appoint a Superintendent of Schools to provide leadership to the administrative team working within the limits of Board policy and state statutes.
To appoint a Treasurer.
To consider, approve, or reject policies recommended by the Superintendent.
To approve educational standards and goals.
To approve the appointment of teachers and other staff members.
To approve the annual budget for each fiscal year.
To approve a master calendar annually.
To evaluate the Superintendent and Treasurer on a regular and routine basis.
To serve as the chief advisor to the Superintendent on community attitudes.
During the first meeting in January the Board organizes itself by electing officers, filling committee memberships and appointing members to act as delegates and liaisons to Ohio School Board functions and the Cuyahoga Valley Career Center.
Standing Board Committees
Building & Grounds Committee
Finance Committee
Athletic/Student Activities Committee
Rhonda Crawford
Tina Davis
Rhonda Crawford
Lea Travis
Tina Davis
Beth Egan
Policy Committee
Curriculum / Technology Committee
Business Advisory Council
Tina Davis
Maria Hamilton
Maria Hamilton
Lea Travis
Rhonda Crawford
Beth Egan
Legislative Liaison to the Ohio School Boards Association
Lea Travis
Student Achievement Liaison to the Ohio School Boards Association:
Rhonda Crawford
11136 Ravenna Road
Twinsburg, OH 44087
Phone: 330.486.2000
Fax: 330.425.7216
School Days: 8:00am-4:00pm
Summer/Breaks: 7:00am-3:00pm
School Board Links
Agendas & Minutes
Board President's Reports
Board Information
Directions to the Twinsburg Board of Education Office
Public Concerns
School Board Recognition
Board Policies
Board Policies