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City School District

Integrated & Special Education Classrooms

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Integrated & Special Education Classrooms

An Integrated program (Center-based or Itinerant) is available to preschool children, ages three through five, who demonstrate delays in one or more areas of development. The activities in the program are age-appropriate, teaching experiences intended to facilitate the individual education plans of each child.

 The preschool environment is designed to enhance the development of self-esteem, self-expression, curiosity, enthusiasm, and the ability to interact with other children and adults. The environment is designed to further the development of problem solving skills through structured dependence and independence, as well as cooperative abilities.

A limited number of typically developing children are also enrolled in the Integrated Preschool classrooms. Enrollment in the program is restricted to residents within the Twinsburg City School District. Typically developing preschoolers do not have specific educational plans; consequently, they do not receive therapeutic interventions. Curricula focuses on language development, social interaction and discovery play activities and follows the State of Ohio Early Learning and Development Standards that include preschool as a grade level.



  • A preschool child with a disability is a child who is at least three years of age but not of compulsory school age AND has a documented deficit in one or more areas of development which has has an adverse effect upon normal development and functioning.
  • A child shall be determined eligible when one of the following applies:
    • There is a documented deficit in one or more of the following areas: Communication Skills (form, content, and use of language), Hearing Abilities, Motor Functioning, Social/Emotional/Behavioral functioning, or Vision Abilities.
    • There is a documented deficit in cognitive ability as determined by testing and a documented deficit in one of the areas listed above or in adaptive behavior.
    • There is a documented deficit in adaptive behavior and a documented deficit in one or more of the areas listed previously.
  • Services

    Preschool children who have completed a multi-factored evaluation and are identified as having a disability can receive one of the following services listed below:

    • Itinerant services delivered in the home environment or preschool/community based program (private/public within the district)
    • Half-day participation in Twinsburg City Schools, Wilcox Early Learning Center

    Preschool experiences are very valuable and although your child may not qualify for this program, you are encouraged to investigate other preschool opportunities within the community.

    Typical Peer Program

    Peer models are an important component in our integrated preschool. The integrated model of our preschool requires independent students who demonstrate outstanding language, academic, and social skills to assist our students with special needs. Good peer models improve their own skills by interacting with all students in the classroom. Parents of eligible students must complete and submit an application in person before February 16 of the calendar year of expected enrollment. From those applications, a lottery will take place before the end of February. At that time those selected from the lottery will participate in a peer screening at Wilcox with the Screening Team. After the screening, letters of acceptance or denial will be sent to the families indicating one of the following: 1) Your child has been selected as a peer in the program; 2) Your child has not been selected as a peer; 3) The results of the screening indicate that your child is experiencing a delay in one or more areas of their development. The parent will be contacted at a later time to discuss the possibility of additional evaluations. 4) Your child will be placed on a waiting list if a peer spot becomes open. If selected from the screening, a $50 non-refundable deposit, which will be applied toward the preschool tuition, must be submitted to secure a place in the preschool for the coming school year by March 31.

    Families of typically developing children must apply each year (January 1st - February 15th), to be included in the lottery for the upcoming school year. 

    To be eligible as a typical peer, children must:

    • Be at least 3 years old by August 1st of that year,
    • Be toilet trained by the first day of school (no pull-ups and independent with clothing, wiping, and handwashing),
    • Speak English as their primary language of communication,
    • Not have an identified disability that would qualify them as a student with special needs.

    Multiples (twins, triplets) will be considered together when applying as typical peer models, however, only two children per family may attend as peer models at the same time.  If a student is identified as a preschooler with a disability, their twin may attend as a peer if there are openings at the time of identification.