Small group counseling is a great opportunity to work with students in a supportive way to address student needs. Working in a small group allows me to educate students on topics of concern as well as teach student to work together for a common goal. Students will participate in group discussions, role playing, and activities.
Groups are created on a yearly basis and determined by student needs. Please note that due to scheduling and time, it is not possible to run every type of group for each grade level. Groups meet once a week for approximately 6-8 weeks.
Family Dynamics (Changing families)—To provide better understanding of family changes such as divorce, separation, remarriage, and blended families. Students are able to share thoughts and feelings with peers who are in similar situations. Work on coping skills and acceptance.
Memory Makers (Grief/loss)—To allow students a safe place to grieve the loss of a loved one. Students will explore and express their feelings of loss through books, art, and discussions.
Magnificent Me (Self Esteem/Friendship)—Designed to help strengthen student’s self-concept. The students will do self-reflection, self-awareness activities, and focus on recognizing the positive. This group will also help in initiating and maintaining friendships.
Making Connections (Social Skills)—To provide the basic social skills techniques. Students will learn and practice skills in the small group setting and then use the skills in the larger school environment. Students will have an increase awareness of others and self.
Tension Tamers (Stress management): Students learn to identify their emotions and stressors. Students will learn healthy coping mechanisms to help manage their stress and anxiety.
Disorganized Dilemma (Organization Skills)—To identify organizational pitfalls and generate skills for success. Students will begin to create their OWN organization plans that will help them find success both in and out of the classroom. Study skills will also be introduced. For 6th grade students, this will also focus on taking more responsibilities in anticipation for the middle school.