Students will often seek out my assistance by stopping by my office or asking their teacher to be excused for a moment to talk with me. If I am not available at that time, students are encouraged to write a note to me if they need help solving a problem, need to talk through a situation or just need someone to listen. Notes are in the guidance office area and can be put in the mailbox on my door. I will try to see students at recess or lunch, so not to interrupt instruction time in the classroom.
Parents are able to email or call if they have a concern about their child's social, emotional or academic needs. Working with parents is a valuable part of addressing student needs, however, I do want students to try to solve problems on their on their own.
Teachers often times refer students to meet with me, if they are struggling with a situation. Teachers have great insight to peer interactions and academic struggles, so they know when a problem needs addressing. Often times teachers will recommend to parents that the student should speak with me.
Students enjoy just stopping in my office to check in with the me or update me on any current events in their lives. Please understand that it is not always possible to notify parents each time a students stops by my office. The majority of situations that students work on include resolving conflicts, peer interactions, academic struggles, and managing emotions. I work under the laws of confidentiality, which allows me to create a trusting relationship with students. If I feel that a student is in any harm or a situation is too large for them to tackle without assistance, I will break confidentiality and contact parents.