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December Scavenger Hunt Third Grade

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December Holiday Scavenger Hunt Third Grade

Follow the links to the holiday websites and answer the questions.  Good luck!


  1. What does The Grinch have in his smile?

  2. Which President brought the first Christmas tree to the White House?

  3. What is a dreidel?

  4. Name three ingredients used to make latkes.

  5. Mount Washington, NH has some of the worst weather around.  How much snow do they have today?  (Hint: think about where you might find weather information reported daily !)

  6. Name two gifts that don't cost a cent! (There are many so just choose two!)

  7. What is winter solstice?

  8. What is Santa Claus called in Holland?

  9. Kwanzaa begins on what day and ends on what day?  What colors are the candles on the Kwanza Kinara?

  10. What is Christmas called in France?

  11. Answer the following Christmas jokes/riddles: 
  • What does Santa use to measure?
  • Why is it so cold at Christmas?