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December Scavenger Hunt Second Grade

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December Holiday Scavenger Hunt Second Grade

Follow the links to the holiday websites by clicking on the underlined words in each question.  Use the website to answer the question.
Good Luck!
1.You usually use ___________ or ____________ to play the
dreidel game.

2. Chanukah is called the Festival of _______________.

3. What is one word you would search for on this puzzle? Click and
    drag over the word on the puzzle.

4. Go to Funny Games,  click on Start, then Easy. Click on 5 differences in the picture.  Check the star underneath the pictures to see how many differences you have left to find.

What is one difference you found? ______________________________________________________

5. What is B for? _____________________________

6. What are two ingredients you would use to make sweet potato pie for Kwanzaa? ___________________ and ______________________

7. On what day is Boxing Day celebrated? _________________

8. Which graphic do you like best? (show an adult)

9. Can you remember?