There is a scheduling meeting for 8th grade students and parents/guardians on January 14 at 6:35 pm in the THS auditorium. The THS Showcase will also be taking place in the THS Commons on that same night starting at 6:00 pm.
At 7:10 pm, the Educational Options Meeting will begin. This informational meeting is for parents and their students currently in grades 5-11. The information presented will address the following program options: College Credit Plus, Advanced Placement courses, and Cuyahoga Valley Career Center.
8th grade students are attending scheduling meetings with a high school counselor during social studies classes on January 13 (Mrs. Saluan's classes) and January 14 (Mr. Davis's classes). The 2025-2026 Freshman Course Selection Sheet that students receive is attached.
Please see the attached flyer for more information.