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City School District

Bus Service & Online Transportation Form

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Bus Service & Online Transportation Form Information:

Online Transportation Form Link (if using computer)--------> 
(if using mobile phone, link appears at bottom of page)
All bus stops are set and approved by the Board of Education on a yearly basis.  Subsequent changes must be reviewed by the Transportation Department.  It is the goal of the Transportation Department to follow the Ohio Department of Education standards and provide safe, timely bus transportation to and from school.  In that endeavor, the following guidelines are followed:
  • Only ONE stop and ONE bus will be assigned per student in the morning and after school.
  • Wilcox students must be met by an adult at the bus stop.  Students not met by the parent/designee will be held on the bus and, after an unsuccessful attempt to get in contact with the parent/guardian, will be returned to Wilcox.
  • One stop in the morning and afternoon for all daycares.
  • Student may have different stops for AM & PM (example:  AM ride neighborhood bus to school, PM ride bus to daycare/sitter after school). 
  • Please be at the stop five (5) minutes before the assigned stop time.
  • NO BUS NOTES are accepted at any time. 
  • Shared custody of High School, Middle School and Dodge students will be allowed to go to and from both parents’ homes as long as they are within the Twinsburg City School district.
  • Students must ride once a week to maintain their bus assignment.
  • Students not riding their assigned bus more than three weeks in a row will be removed from the bus and assigned to parent transport.
  • High school students that have a parking permit will not be assigned to a bus. Note: Student cars must have the permit displayed in their car at all times while on school property during the instructional day.  Please see THS Parking Procedures & Guidelines information.
  • Please see the Bus Stop Guidelines and Transportation FAQ for more information regarding the placement of stops.
Additional Procedures:
  • Bissell students do not have to be received after school unless the parent/guardian requests it by sending an email to [email protected]  Your student will then be held on the bus and, after an unsuccessful attempt to get in contact with the parent/guardian, will be returned to Bissell.
  • For additions/changes to the current school year, please complete the Online Transportation Form for the following:
    • Enrolling New Student who needs the alternate stop(s) to/from a sitter/daycare provider.
    • Current Student adding or changing the alternate stop(s) to/from a sitter daycare provider.
    • Current Student returning to home area (neighborhood) stop(s).
    • Mark the date you would like service to start.  
    • Allow at least two weeks for processing.
    • Do not change your student's current bus schedule with the school until you have received notification from the Transportation Office that the change is complete and the start date is confirmed.
  • IF YOU'VE MOVED WITHIN TWINSBURG CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT, ADDRESS CHANGES MUST BE COMPLETED WITH YOUR STUDENT'S SCHOOL; TRANSPORTATION CANNOT CHANGE ADDRESSES.  Please update your address in FinalForms and complete the Address Change Packet.  Do not change your student's bus schedule with the school until you have received notification from the Transportation Office that the change is complete and the start date is confirmed.
  • FAMILIES REGISTERING NEW STUDENTS:  Please make sure in FinalForms you have completed the transportation information section.  If a no is marked then no bus will be assigned.  An online transportation form only needs to be filled out if your student will need busing to/from an alternate stop (for example:  sitter/daycare).  No transportation form is needed for home neighborhood stops.  
  • When your student graduates to the next school in the district their bus schedule will be adjusted automatically for the next school year.

If you have questions or need additional information, please contact Transportation at [email protected] 

Revised 7/19/2024