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City School District

COVID-19 Resources

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Virtual Calming Room

The Virtual Calming Room is a great resource with many different and easy to use activities.  
*Disclaimer: The Virtual Calming Room is provided by CNUSD who have given TSD permission to share it. 

Videos & Social Stories

5 Cosmic Kids Mindfulness Activities
This is a sweet video about why we can't see our friends & how to overcome it.
This is a social story about COVID-19 including washing our hands and keeping distance.

Weekly Activities Calendar

Mindfulness Mini-Activity Calendar 

Each week will contain one outdoor activity, one art/writing activity, one breathing/calm down activity, and one physical/music activity. There is also one weekly challenge for the students to complete each week. These are ALL OPTIONAL to promote positive mental/emotional/social/physical health. 

Feel free to share pictures/stories with me via email ([email protected])!! 

Week 1 (4/6-4/10)

  • Take a walk in your neighborhood or a park

  • Draw a picture of your favorite place with detail

  • Do 5 Bee Breaths (take a deep breath in, then hum like bee when you breathe out)

  • Listen to classical music. How does it make you feel?

*Weekly Challenge: Think of 3 things you like about yourself and write them down

Week 2 (4/13-417)

  • Go birdwatching outside. How many different kinds of bird did you see?

  • Write a kind letter or record a kind message to someone you live with and give it to them

  • Read your favorite book. Why? How does it make you feel?

  • Do some yoga/mindful stretching

*Weekly Challenge: Call a friend or family member that you have not seen in a while

Week 3 (4/20-4/24)

  • Lay outside in the grass and watch the clouds - See any pictures?

  • Draw a picture of your family

  • Do 5 Dandelion Breaths (hold an imaginary dandelion, take a deep breath in, and when you breathe out imagine blowing the seeds off of the dandelion)

  • Listen to ocean wave sounds from a media source. How do you feel? Is there a pattern?

*Weekly Challenge: Have a board game night with your family

Week 4 (4/27-5/1)

  • Explore outside and start a rock collection

  • Write and illustrate your own story book

  • Think of 5 things that make you happy

  • Dance to your favorite song. How does that make you feel?

*Weekly Challenge: Help your family cook your favorite meal for dinner

Social/Emotional Links & activities

*Disclaimer: I am not the orginial creator of these documents. The following links are purely for educational purposes and are not intended as psychological interventions or as a substitute for psychological treatment. If you are in need of psychological help you should seek the consultation of a licensed mental health professional. If there is an emergency, please call your local hospital or 911.

Recipe for Success with Homeschooling

This pamphlet (link) shares a recipe for success for homeschooling but given the reality we're in, it may be difficult to achieve. This is all new so please take what you can from this article; even if it's just one of the steps or a little of each step.