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City School District

Math Objectives

First Grade Math Objectives

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First Quarter Math Objectives
Solves word problems
Solves addition problems using 3 numbers
Applies strategies/properties to add and subtract within 20
Second Quarter Math Objectives
Solves word problemssolves addition problems using three numbers
Applies strategies/properties to add and subtract within 20
Understands place value (ones and tens)
Third Quarter  Math Objectives 
Solves word problems
Fluently adds to 10
Counts and writes numbers to 120
Uses place value to solve addition and subtraction problems
Compares numbers using symbols (< > =)
Orders and measures the length of objects with nonstandard units
Tells time to the hour and half hour
Fourth Quarter Math Objectives
Solves word problems
Fluently subtracts from 10
Represents and interprets data
Identifies and describes attributes of 2D shapes
Identifies anddescribes attributes of 3D shapes
Identifies fractional parts of a whole (halves, fourths/quarters)