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Superintendent's Message

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August 2024

Superintendent's picture

Dear Twinsburg Schools Family:

Welcome to the 2024/2025 school year! We are so excited to welcome our students and staff members back to school as we anticipate a wonderful year of learning and growth!

Our Soft Reopening Days are scheduled for August 14th through 16th. Here is the schedule:

For students in Preschool through Grade 12, Soft Reopening Days are scheduled as follows:

For Preschool students:
  • Parents/guardians will receive a QR code in their welcome back letter from Mrs. Turner. Parents will use the QR code to register for a thirty (30) minute meeting with their child's teacher. Preschool students are to attend this meeting with their parent/guardian.
For students in Kindergarten through Grade 6:
  • Wednesday, August 14th: Students with last names beginning with A through G
  • Thursday, August l 5th: Students with last names beginning with H through P
  • Friday, August 16th: Students with last names beginning with Q through Z
For RB Chamberlin Middle School students:
  • Wednesday, August 14th: Students with last names beginning with A- L
  • Thursday, August 15th: Students with last names beginning with M - Z
  • Friday, August 16th: All RBC students report for school.
For Twinsburg High School students:
  • Wednesday, August 14th - Only students in 9th grade report for school
  • Thursday, August 15th - All students, grades 9 - 12 report (Blue Day Schedule)
  • Friday, August 16th-All THS students, grades 9 - 12 report (White Day Schedule)
Your child's Soft Reopening Day is considered a school day and attendance will be taken.

During this special week, students will get a chance to meet their teacher(s) and some of their classmates, to obtain their District-issued Chromebook (if they do not already have one) and complete preliminary assessments so that our teachers know a little bit about students' mastery levels and areas that need extra stretch or intervention. Parents will receive more information about our Soft Reopening Days as well as classroom assignments/schedules directly from building principals.

All students in Preschool through Grade 12 will report together for the first time on Monday, August 19th. Bus schedules for students in Preschool - Grade 12 will be mailed on Wednesday, August 7th. If you have questions about transportation once you receive your bus schedule, please contact our Transportation Department at 330.486.2348.

Friday, August 30th is a Data Day. Our students do not have school on August 30th.

As we get underway for another year of learning, school safety is on everyone's mind, thus I want to share with you a few notes regarding the Twinsburg City School District's safety procedures:

  1. District Emergency Management Plans for all five (5) school and the District plan have been filed with the Attorney General's Office;
  2. All school buses have passed inspection by the Ohio State Highway Patrol;
  3. Currently, the District has three (3) School Resource Officers (SROs) assigned by the City of Twinsburg. These SROs work at George G. Dodge Intermediate School, RB Chamberlin Middle School, and Twinsburg High School. We are also fortunate to have a School Resource Officer (SRO) assigned by the Summit County Sheriffs Office who is posted at Samuel Bissell Elementary School. Finally, the City of Twinsburg assigns off-duty police officers to cover security duties at Wilcox Primary School. It is our hope to be able to secure a dedicated School Resource Officer for Wilcox Primary School in the near future;
  4. The District has six (6) Security Liaisons. Our Security Liaisons are assigned, primarily, to afterschool and evening events. When afterschool and evening event coverage is not needed, the Security Liaisons will be reassigned to security coverage during the school day in our schools;
  5. During the 2023/2024 school year, the Twinsburg City School District received approximately $500,000 in school security grants as part of Ohio's K-12 Schools Safety Grant Program. This is in addition to the nearly half million dollars we received in grant funds during the 2022/2023 school year. The District used these funds, in part, to purchase additional security cameras and radios. Further, the District purchased vape detectors for the restrooms at RB Chamberlin Middle School and Twinsburg High School along with metal detection devices including wands and portable metal detectors. As a preventative measure, it would be the intention to use metal detection devices intermittently upon entry at our schools as well as at our District's events;
  6. All visitors to our campuses must check-in through the Welcome Center;
  7. You may have heard that it is now state law to limit students' use of cell phones during the school day. Our District has been proactive and we have actually a Board policy in place which limits the students' use of Personal Communication Devices (PCDs). On August 2, 2023, the Board of Education approved revised Board of Education Policy 5136. Student Handbooks were updated accordingly. All students are required to place Personal Communication Devices (PCDs) in District-purchased caddies upon entry to classrooms;
  8. Upon arrival to school each day, students at Twinsburg High School are required to scan identification badges to gain entry into the school; and
  9. Students in Preschool - Grade 6 are able to bring a backpack of choice to school. Students in Grades 7 - 12 must store their backpack of choice in a locker for the entirety of the school day. Students in Grades 7 - 12 may carry a backpack to classes however, the backpack must be a clear backpack. No other backpack may be carried during the school day. 
Additionally, our District has safety procedures and protocols which are confidential in nature and cannot be published. Safety is everyone's responsibility. Thanks, in advance, for your efforts in keeping all of our Tigers safe while they are at school and on our campuses and vehicles.

I am very Tiger Proud to introduce the newest members of our staff:

Twinsburg High School
Jillian Carter - Assistant Principal
Chase Betenson - Science Teacher
Christine Fritzen - Math Academic Coach
Karen Graves - School Counselor
Riley Helton - School Counselor
Matthew Ripple - Science Teacher
DeVon Sanders - Intervention Specialist
Charles Saulter - Dean of Students
Grant Sutliff - Math Teacher

RB Chamberlin Middle School
Monica Doyle - Art Teacher
Thomas Bissler - Science Teacher

Michael Sedlak - Director Human Resources
Mary Kate Goodman - Speech Lang. Pathologist
Leia Kammer - Speech Lang. Pathologist
Holly Tvrdik - Speech Lang. Pathologist
Julianne Walker - District MTSS Coordinator
George G. Dodge Intermediate School
W. Tyler Six - Assistant Principal
Heather Darnell - Intervention Specialist
Monica Doyle - Art Teacher
Juanita Garon - Lunchroom/Playground Assistant
Grace Hackett-Lunato - Lunchroom/Playground Assistant
Jenna Sindelar - Classroom Teacher

Samuel Bissell Elementary School
Sara Braun - School Counselor
Margaret Derrig-Art Teacher
Elizabeth Maiwurm - Music Teacher

Wilcox Primary School
Abbey Charvat - Long Term Substitute Teacher
Emily Cymanski - Intervention Specialist
Margaret Derrig-Art Teacher
Shelley Hunt- Beech Brook Social Worker
Caitlin Kollman - Preschool Teacher
Elizabeth Maiwurm - Music Teacher
Abby Plassard - Long-Term SubstituteTeacher
Natalia Williams - School Counselor

Earlier this summer, I sent information to you about FinalForms Registration, our online process for the registration of new families and the enrollment verification for our returning Tigers. You should have also received an Account Confirmation Email from the "FinalForms Mailman". The information in that email provides directions to enable you to create a FinalForms account. FinalForms replaces PowerSchool which is the online process we previously used. FinalForms Registration provides a secure site and offers parents the ability to complete some of the required paperwork, such as emergency medical information, in a manner that avoids the need to retype or rewrite the same information on multiple forms. FinalForms Registration allows the District to distribute forms to our families in an electronic format which will in turn reduce costs for paper and postage. Furthermore, I believe there is an increase in the accuracy of our student information. I hope you have had a chance to update your student's information in FinalFonns.

Also new this school year is ParentSquare which is our school-to-home communication app. You should have also received an activation email from ParentSquare earlier this summer. This unified communications platform is designed to keep parents and guardians informed and encourage greater engagement and connection with the Twinsburg City School District. It provides a safe way for District administrators, school principals, teachers, staff, coaches, advisors and parents to:
  • Send and receive school and class information
  • Share pictures and files
  • See calendar items
  • And much more!
All District and school, grade-level, and classroom information as well as updates from our coaches, and advisors, will be sent to your computer or phone via email and/text. For even more convenience, download the ParentSquare app which is available for free for iOS and Android devices. If you have questions, please click the question mark in the top right hand corner of the desktop version or the Help tab on the app (tap the triple bar icon at the top left) to find the answers to most questions.

Enclosed is a copy of the Student Fee Guidelines and the Student Fee Payment Form for 2024/2025. In lieu of using the Student Fee Payment Form, parents are encouraged to pay Student Fees online using the PaySchools online payment plan. Information about the online payment plan can be found on our District's website at and by simply clicking on the "Online Payments" icon for more information. You can also visit for more information. A PaySchools user guide will be e-mailed to parents once you have registered in the system. Parents will need to know their child's "Student ID" to register. Your child's "Student ID" can be found in Parent Access as well as on your child's report card. The PaySchools portal is now open to receive online payments. Questions about PaySchools can be directed to Brian Fantone, Athletic Director/Coordinator of K-12 Student Activities at 330.486.2480 or directed to PaySchools at 877.393.6628.

Student Fees, excluding Pay-to-Participate Fees, may be paid at your child's school by sending your check and the attached Student Fee Payment Form to your child's classroom teacher in a sealed envelope labeled with your child's name. Please remember to complete and include the attached Student Fee Payment Form in a sealed, labeled envelope. It is highly recommended that high school and middle school students wait until the second week of the school year to pay for course fees so they are certain that their schedules are set for the semester. For the 2024/2025 school year, the Board of Education authorized a $500 Family Cap for Pay-to­ Participate Fees. Also, a Payment Option Plan is available for Pay-to-Participate Fees. Please refer to the enclosed Student Fee Guidelines for more information. THS and RBC students interested in participating in fall sports should forward fees to the Athletic Office at Twinsburg High School. Please note that fees for co-curricular activities such as Band, Orchestra and High School Yearbook are considered Course Fees. As such, these Course Fees as well as other Academic Fees, may be waived for students who are eligible for the Federal Meal Program. Pay-to-Participate Fees are reduced by 50% for students who qualify for free and reduced price meals through the Federal Meal Program. If you believe that your family may qualify for the Federal Meal Program, please click on the link below and fill out the application. At the end of the application, you will be shown your approval status (Free, Reduced, or Denied because income is too high). Either way, new online form provides a simple, discreet way to apply for benefits. If you have any questions or need a paper copy of the application for the Federal Meal Program, feel free to leave a message for Carol Friihauf at [email protected] or by calling 330.486.2000. Here is the link to the online application:

The link to the Waiver Form that parents/guardians need to complete and submit if their child qualifies for the Federal Lunch Program can be accessed when parents/guardians log on to their FinalForms Registration account. Waiver Forms will also be available on the District website and at each of the school's main offices. The completion of this form is mandatory every year for qualifying families as it allows the District to waive or reduce the fees of qualifying students.

Our District has partnered with MySchoolBucks to give our parents the best online prepayment software for meal purchases for your child. MySchoolBucks replaced EzPay last school year for meal purchases. MySchoolBucks enables you to pay online and the money will be available to use by your child in a matter of minutes.

MySchoolBucks will also provide you with the following features:
  • See current meal balances
  • Make meal account prepayments
  • Receive Low Balance and/or Negative Balance notifications
  • Transfer meal account funds between siblings
  • Set up reoccurring prepayments so that your child never runs out of money for their meals
  • View detailed transactions of your child's purchases for the 2024/2025 school year
You can create your MySchoolBucks account and make a prepaid meal payment by using this link: All you need is your child's full name and their birthdate or their "Student ID" to register. If you have any questions concerning the online prepayment system, MySchoolBucks, please email our District Dietitian, Mark Bindus, RD.LO. at: [email protected].

The beginning of a new school year is such an exciting time! I hope you share in our enthusiasm as we prepare to greet our Tigers beginning with our Soft Reopening Days. I look forward to seeing you at our many District and school events!

Tiger Proud!
Kathi Powers
Kathryn Powers
Administrative Assistant:
Marianne Franko

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Twinsburg City School District

Contact Us:

11136 Ravenna Road
Phone: 330.486.2000 | Fax: 330.425.7216
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