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April 2018 Booster Meeting Minutes
Booster Minutes                                                                             Monday, April 16, 2018

Meeting called to order by Jack Rapkin at 7:04pm


Meeting Minutes:


Secretary’s Report:  Meeting minutes from March 18th were sent via email to the Band Booster Board and attendees by Cassandra Blyler. Clarifications submitted by Karen Wilson have been noted. The minutes from the March 18th meeting will be uploaded by Cassie onto the Booster site.

President’s Remarks:  Band Banquet update discussion. In order for a senior shirt design to be produced in time for the banquet, the deadline will be this Friday, April 20th . Only 2 senior shirt designs have been submitted. Discussion regarding alumni shirts and senior shirts in regards to what is possible in regards to cost and time required. Carie will continue to research, however the shirts may not be an option for the band banquet. Everything else is going according to schedule in regards to the banquet, per Cassandra, who is organizing the banquet. There is one student who has an issue with payment rendered. This will be discussed Mr Bonitz after the meeting. There are 4 students who have not received invitations due to incorrect addresses. Mr Bonitz will deliver those returned invitations in class as well as having extra invitations on hand. Ileana is in the process of creating the band banquet programs and plans to have them printed between April 26-28.

The Band scholarship committee will meet April 23 at 6pm in the band room to read the essays. To date, Susie Bird, Christine Martin, Cassandra Blyler and Jack Rapkin have committed to being a part of the scholarship committee. Mr Bonitz will mention the opportunity to be on the scholarship committee at the band concert on 4/17.

A marching baritone has been purchased, Mr Bonitz will submit the receipt to Karen. The pavilion has been reserved for the band picnic for July 24 and July 25th. The picnic will start at 6:30.

Directors Report:

Mr Resnick: Report not given to Mr Bonitz. Mr Bonitz did state that the solo and ensemble did go well on April 7th. There were 27 Superior ratings, 13 excellent ratings with 42 entries. The next concert will be May 7th at 6:30. The 5th and 6th graders will perform May 14th.  Some of the RBC students performed yesterday at the Blue ribbon pancake breakfast.

Mr Bonitz: THS band will have a preview night on 4/17 to provide a dry run as the States contest is this Friday, April 20. THS will perform at 9:45 pm. After Friday the band will be transitioning into the end of the year mode, there will be the fine arts festival, and commencement to prepare for. The band will be searching for the 2018/19 Drum major, speeches will also be held for band council. The summer concert is being worked on and will be ready soon.

Band Council Report:  Report given by Jaina Gedeon. The paper plate award names have been approved; voting slips will be dispersed soon. At the banquet, the equipment crew would like to present Mr Davet with a gift in appreciation for all his help. Nia is working on this.  The band is busy preparing for the two concerts this week. At the fine arts festival the symphony and jazz bands will also be playing. CYWS is having their last concert 4/29. The other extracurricular band groups are  also finishing up their last performances. This is Jaina’s last booster meeting; she has enjoyed working with the boosters and appreciates their efforts.


Committee Reports:

Treasurer’s report: Report given by Karen Wilson.  A profit/loss statement was distributed to attendees. A CD has been opened and signed. The refund from the American Commodore Tux has been processed for the Orchestra uniforms.

Volunteers: Ileana is working to set up the Kohl’s volunteer program for our concession stands. She is hoping to work with Great Expectations for brainstorming ideas.  

Concessions: Kristi and Cindy. They are shopping for the new popcorn machine. They plan to go to the Restaurant Depot. Hands on they can better assess which machine will be best for the stands.

Fundraising:  Christine and Colleen: All fundraising has been completed for this year. They are working on profitability for 208/19. Three of the Dine-out dates are tentative due the restaurants’ limitations.  They would like committees of 3-5 people to work on each fundraising project.

Christine is working on Tag Day, mapping out zones, and driver needs, she is hoping to have everything ready in time to speak to parents at the picnic.

Publicist: Cassie: Is working on keeping the social media updated.

Uniform Report: Michelle Reed : On 4/26 after the fine arts festival, students will turn in uniforms.. There is a CYO concert in May so there will still be a couple of tux’s out. Michelle is looking for a couple of volunteers to help check in the uniforms. Armadillo will be cleaning the uniforms this year.  She has found a co-chair to help handle the drill team uniforms.

On May23rd, after school, student volunteers will be fitted for Rock the Park (the July 3rd performance) and for Drum major.

Spirit Wear Report: Carie:  Nothing further at this time.  

Old Business: No additional old business stated.

New Business:  Karen Wilson and Susie Bird have submitted letters of resignation. Per By-laws, the At-Large position does not need to be filled and will remain unfilled at this time. Kristi McCormick was nominated for the position of treasurer, 2 year term. Kristi has been elected into the office of treasurer per unanimous vote. All other board members will continue in their current positions for the 2018/19 year.

Jack is hoping to have parents separated for a meeting at the picnic to discuss volunteer needs. Would like to discuss having committees and what roles are needed. Looking forward, next year there are more board members who will be reaching the end of their two year commitment. Mr Bonitz will emphasize communication and volunteer needs more earnestly going forward.  There will be a parent meeting July 30th at 7pm to discuss the band program, the band trip and parent expectations. Mr Bonitz will announce the band trip destination at the Fine Arts festival.

Adjourn: Call for a motion to adjourn was made by Jack Rapkin. Motion to accept by Carie Ketz, 2nd by Karen Wilson. The meeting was adjourned at 8:16pm.