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November 2017 Meeting Minutes
Booster Minutes                                                                             Monday November 20, 2017

Meeting called to order by Jack Rapkin at 7:05pm


Meeting Minutes:


Secretary’s Report:  Meeting minutes from October 16, 2017 were sent via email to the Band Booster Board and attendees by Cassandra Blyler. No corrections submitted, the minutes from the October 2017 meeting will be uploaded by Cassie on the Booster site.

President’s Remarks:  None at this time.

Directors Report:

Mr Resnick: The band program is going well in the 5th-8th grades. From the middle school 4 students will be performing with the honor band in Wooster. Eight students will be submitted for the honor band festival at Ohio State. On Monday, 12/11/17, the 6th-8th grade band will perform in the Winter concert at the high school. There are 110 students and not all of the students can fit properly onto the RBC stage, which is satisfying. Thursday, 2/1/18, the 5th grade band will preform. We will have the band uniform fitting on 12/12/17 at 1pm.

Mr Bonitz: Good weather throughout the season until week 10, but very pleased with how well everything went. The senior night has been the best performance so far. Michelle Reed and Jane Weiss have done a great job along with their helpers getting all the students fitted for their concert uniforms. Over 100 students have been fitted. The band is doing well transitioning to concert. Four high school students attended the Bowling Green honor band performance. That is so large that it is broken down into 4 grade levels, 2 freshman, 1 junior and 1 senior attended. Five students have been selected to attend the OBDC (Ohio Band Director Conference) Honor Band at the University of Akron the first weekend of December. The THS band will have their holiday concert on 12/8/17. The Lab and Jazz bands will preform first, and while the stage is being transitioned into the concert selection, the 50/50 raffle will be announced, along with any other band announcements.

Band Council Report:  Report read by Mr. Bonitz on behalf of Jaina Gedeon. Apologies for not being able to attend as she is attending the National Honor Society Ceremony. Homecoming and Senior nights went very well, and as a four year student, she feels Senior night is the best that the band has ever sounded. Senior night was bittersweet, but even though the band had to deal with the rain, it was handled very well. The band is  transitioning into Concert band well and quickly. The next couple of weeks will go very quickly as everyone is very busy, and a lot of students are also involved in outside band groups. Preparation for the winter concert is going well, there has been a lot of improvement already. Well wishes to everyone for the upcoming holidays. 


Committee Reports:

Treasurer’s report: Report given by Karen Wilson.  A profit/loss statement was distributed to attendees. All outstanding money has been collected from the tigerettes. The french horn has been purchased. Susie Bird has been selling the smaller senior banners to local businesses, those monies have been deposited.

Concessions: Cindy absent, no report.

Volunteers: Ileana absent, no report. 

Fundraising: Report given by Christine Martin and Colleen Larson. That’s Amore will be held offsite at La Casa Bella, next to Roseland Lanes. They have experience handling band functions and offer the most value for the money. Donation letters to businesses will be sent on Wednesday. We are looking for donations for raffle baskets, and plans are in place to advertise on social media and in local businesses. Students wll be selling tickets almost immediately upon return from break. The students preforming at That’s Amore will be jazz or solo/ensemble. December 4th at 6pm there will be an executive board meeting to further discuss That’s Amore details. Considering making this an adults only event. Possibly having performing students and/or student volunteers go over to the Roseland lanes for a bowling night. The Gioninos card fundraiser is being closed out. Cassie will continue to advertise for the Tiger cards, especially as stocking stuffers. The Tiger cards will continue to be sold through the basketball season at concessions.

Publicist: Report given by Cassie Via. Articles have been submitted to the newspaper, a new article will be submitted with upcoming concert dates. Currently working on having a donation button on the website. All pictures have been uploaded to social media except the last concert and game.

Uniform Report: Report given by Michelle Reed. Drill team uniforms will be taken to Armadillo for cleaning. Fittings went well, the tuxedo shirts will be ordered from American Commodore after Thanksgiving. We are going to purchase 15 new band uniforms. In January and February we will look for future needs, including concert uniform needs.

Spirit Wear Report: Discussion regarding the ability to sell Spirit wear items at the winter concerts as RDP is planning to sell during the band concerts. All in agreement that we should be able to try despite possible competition. Jack made motion for allowing Carrie to order more stock for the upcoming sales, Cassie 1st/ Cassandra 2nd. Approved.

Old Business: None stated.

New Business:  The Basketball schedule was sent to Tim Cain, still waiting for a response. Mr Schumacher and Teringo have proposed switching the dates of the band taking over the concession stands, in exchange we would have the wrestling tournament that will be held at the high school. Need to confirm dates to verify no conflicts. Jack will resend the bylaws to the board for review, a meeting will be held in the spring to discuss and review the bylaws. Amanda has requested new flags and pompoms. The flags will take 5-7 weeks for delivery once ordered. The proposed 22 flags would cost $34.00 each. This will be tabled until later in the school year.

Per Mr Bonitz, flowers for the 12/18 concert will need to be ordered, the numbers will be slightly different from the marching band numbers. Karen will handle as the order is already on standby, just awaiting final numbers.

Adjourn: Call for a motion to adjourn was made by Jack Rapkin. Motion to accept by Colleen Larson, 2nd by Christine Martin. The meeting was adjourned at 7:54pm.