
City School District

Twinsburg City School District News Article

Hats Off to Our Maintenance Staff!

Most of you may be unaware of the “magic” our maintenance staff continues to do as our buildings age.

Just this past week, the power at Samuel Bissell Elementary School failed on Sunday evening. Head Custodian Chuck Nash stayed overnight on fire watch while Maintenance Supervisor John Sommers communicated with Ohio Edison. Fortunately, the power was restored before school on Monday.

Then, just as our crew thought the crisis was over, the air conditioning in the 300-wing at Wilcox Primary School failed, just as the temperatures climbed into the 90’s on Monday. Once again, our maintenance staff gathered and worked with the vendor to repair the rooftop compressor.

A great big “Tiger Thank You” to John Sommers, David Benton, Branden Jameson, Ryan Preisendorfer, Chuck Nash, Paul Zeller, and Mike Shaltunuk along with Matt Strickland for all they do to keep our staff and students warm, safe, dry, and cool!

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