LOST AND FOUND: When practical, it is advisable to mark or sew the child's first and last name on all items of clothing and label other personal property in some manner. Personal items and clothing are kept on the bus for one week; after that they are turned into the Transportation Office.
Lunch boxes are kept on board the bus or will be given to an aide at the school at the time of drop off if it is found before the bus leaves the school. If not claimed the same day, it will be emptied of food/drink and kept on the bus for one week, then turned into the Transportation Office.
Items that would be damaged by heat/cold or are of high value are turned in to the Transportation Office the same day after the bus run. These items include: Musical instruments, Phones, Electronics, Ear Buds, Chromebooks, etc. These items must be retrieved by the parent/guardian.
All items left after the end of the school year will be kept until June 15th and will then be donated to a charity.
Due to the amount of items we cannot accept phone calls or emails requesting the Transportation staff to look for your student's item. Parents/Guardians are welcome to come to the Transportation Office anytime during the school week from 6:30 am to 4:30 pm. We are inside RB Chamberlin Middle School (10270 Ravenna Road), but do not go into the welcome center. Pull behind the school (don't go into the separate blue building behind the school, that is where we repair the buses) and look for door #16 (there is a bus kite on a stand outside the door). Ring the doorbell for admittance.
Revised 6/3/2024