
City School District

Twinsburg City School District News Article

CVCC’s Health Occupations Students Visit Wilcox

Kindergarten students in Mrs. Hardesty, Mrs. Hritz, Mrs. Ianni, and Mrs. Petrash’s classes at Wilcox Primary School had the opportunity to learn about dental hygiene from high school students enrolled in the Health Occupations Students of America program at Cuyahoga Valley Career Center (CVCC).

The CVCC students visited Wilcox with large props to show the students the proper way to brush and floss their teeth. Kindergarten students wrote letters to the Tooth Fairy, learned a song about brushing teeth, and sorted foods into the categories of healthy and unhealthy foods. The Tooth Fairy messengers even gave the children goodie bags to take home!

We truly appreciate our partnership with CVCC and we thank the CVCC students for visiting our Wilcox Primary School classrooms!

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