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March 2018 Booster Meeting Minutes
Booster Minutes                                                                             Monday, March 18, 2018

Meeting called to order by Jack Rapkin at 7:05pm


Meeting Minutes:


Secretary’s Report:  Meeting minutes from February 26th were sent via email to the Band Booster Board and attendees by Cassandra Blyler. The minutes from the February 26th meeting will be uploaded by Cassie onto the Booster site.

President’s Remarks:  In regards to the damaged popcorn machine, the school’s insurance deductible is $5,000. Cindy has priced new popcorn machines at @$500.

Directors Report:

Mr Resnick: Report given by Mr Bonitz. The junior high has 42 events scheduled for solo and ensemble on April 7th. Last year there were 30 events. There are 110 in the 7th/8th grade bands.

 The band is ready for this week’s concert. There is a RBC 7th/8th grade band concert on May 7th at 6:30, due to scheduling issues, there will be an orchestra performance the same day, immediately following at 7pm. May 11th is the O.M.E.A. contest for 8th grade band, class B. There will be 52 performers.

Mr Bonitz: There are 44 incoming freshman for the 2018-19 year. This number has always fluctuated, we have had as low as 17 and the previous high was 33.

The band pictures are on Wednesday, this is a graded assignment, and students must have full concert uniforms.

The high school band preview is Tuesday April 17th. The Fine Arts festival is not until April after states this year, so we need the concert on April 17th as a dry run for feedback in preparation for states.

 Lisa Georges sent a form for senior salutes. Cassie will also post on social media to remind parents and students to complete the salutes, and to submit photos of the seniors.

Band Council Report:  Report given by Jaina Gedeon. Jazz festival went really well. Districts were very successful. This is her fourth year going to states, and third time getting 1’s at districts.

 There is a band council meeting coming up where they will work on the paper plate awards for the banquet. Jaina is currently working on her speech for the program and banquet.


Committee Reports:

Treasurer’s report: Report given by Karen Wilson.  A profit/loss statement was distributed to attendees. Between programs, 50/50 raffles and concessions, all told, in concession stand profit, we are down $4000, which is good considering we lost the second stand. We are still collecting money from Mr Resnick for the solo and ensemble. We collected $8.77 from Amazon. The Amazon fundraiser needs to be in the program for better advertisement. The band inadvertently paid the bill for orchestra’s uniforms, we are waiting for reimbursement. We still have 2 open cashboxes ($200 each) for concerts and spirit wear ($150).

Volunteers: Ileana, not present. Jack mentioned we need nominations for open elections if anyone has any recommendations please let him or Mr Bonitz know. Jack will work with Cassie to get a description posted on facebook and the booster website explaining all the positions and time commitments.  April 6th will be the deadline for nominations, so the board can discuss April 9th in preparation for the April 16th meeting.

  We should consider a sponsorship program, for a fee band patrons would get programs for free, and we would need to have their email address.

 Colleen suggests a designated grade liaison parent who can help communicate with parents.

Concessions: Kristi and Cindy. The stands need to be cleaned out and items moved back to the outside stands. They will start organizing the outdoor stands.

Fundraising:  Christine and Colleen: Still working on the Dine Out dates, they will be submitting the dates to school as tentative for the last two Dine Outs. Christine proposes no 50/50 or program for the April 17th concert as it will be a quick concert. Cassie will make a flier for the evening.

Publicist: Cassie: No report at this time.

Uniform Report: Michelle Reed will be out of town during the OMEA, Jane will be the BUM. On 4/26 after the fine arts festival, students will turn in uniforms. We are using Armadillo for the tux’s this year. There is a CYO concert in May so there may still me a couple of tux’s out. Jack requests Michelle write job descriptions for herself and the BUMs. Michelle has already been working on a BUM binder for dates and workflow.

Spirit Wear Report: Carie:  The seniors will design their alumni shirt. Juniors will design the “concert tour” design shirt. Every year juniors will design the fall shirt.

Old Business: The superintendent and principal have been invited to the banquet; their tickets are courtesy of the board. 

New Business:  The scholarships will be read on April 23 at 6pm. At the upcoming concert, Mr Bonitz will mention we would also like a couple of parent volunteers to read for the scholarships. Christine and Cassandra have volunteered to be on the scholarship committee.

Adjourn: Call for a motion to adjourn was made by Jack Rapkin. Motion to accept by Christine Martin, 2nd by Kristi McCormick. The meeting was adjourned at 8:08pm.