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January 2018 Booster Meeting Minutes
Booster Minutes                                                                             Monday, January 22, 2018

Meeting called to order by Jack Rapkin at 6:06pm


Meeting Minutes:


Secretary’s Report:  Meeting minutes from November 20, 2017 were sent via email to the Band Booster Board and attendees by Cassandra Blyler. No corrections submitted, minutes were approved by Colleen Larson, 2nd by Suzie Bird. The minutes from the November 2017 meeting will be uploaded by Cassie onto the Booster site. Still awaiting approval for the 2019 band banquet date from the school district.

President’s Remarks:  The letter has been sent to Kathy Powers regarding which stands the band boosters choose for the 2018/19 school year. We have selected the visitor stand which is the same as this past year. For the indoor stands we will have the first semester, as that alternates years. The guidelines for the stands are in a binder in the stand. The THS/RBC winter concert is 2/28/18 at 7:00pm.

Directors Report:

Mr Resnick: No report given.

Mr Bonitz: Solo and Ensemble is this Saturday at Firestone high school, from 8-4pm. Parking is difficult, so plan accordingly. The 5th grade band concert is Thursday, Feb 1st. We would like to have cookies to offer the students and parents afterwards. The Ohio State honor band had 4 students from junior high perform. The junior high Solo/ensemble is in May. Mr Bonitz is securing an accompianist for the student performances for That’s Amore. After Saturday (Solo/ensemble) he will shift his focus to the student program for Amore.

Band Council Report:  Report given by Jaina Gedeon. The marching showcase went well. The seniors and the band thank the Boosters for the support. The holiday concert went well with lots of positive feedback. There are a lot of solos and ensembles scheduled which really shows the high level of talent. The Jazz ensemble is really working hard to sound great for That’s Amore. And That’s Amore has been announced to the band to garner attention and parental ticket sales. March 2nd is the large group competition, time unknown.


Committee Reports:

Treasurer’s report: Report given by Karen Wilson.  A profit/loss statement was distributed to attendees. All bills are current. Fifteen new uniforms have been purchased, and paid in full. We were able to recieve the bulk purchase discount. There was no concession profit for the month of December. Woodsy’s donated $225.00. And to date the Amazon profit is $14.00. Karen raised a question about the parent that stated they did not receive their reimbursement from the 2017 Disney trip. Jack responded that he will need to review his records, Mr Bonitz advised waiting until the records were checked before and dispersements of money are made.

Concessions: Kristi and Cindy: Everything was moved quickly from the outdoor stands to the indoor stands. There has been a customer causing problems for the concession stand. He has been very rude to the student workers, calling them names and harassing the workers. Mr Fantone has been informed and is following up with the customer. 

Volunteers: Ileana: Ileana asks for help from the band students to promote the concession stands and the need for volunteers. Fliers for That’s Amore have been printed in pink and are at the concession stands. 

Fundraising:  Christne and Colleen: To date, 53 tickets have been sold for That’s Amore, they are expecting a larger influx of ticket sales this week. Sixty/sixty-five tickets sold is the break even point. Mr Bonitz’s family will be there. The color scheme has been changed to red and white to go along with a Valentine’s/Amore theme. Ileana will create a sign up genius asking for desserts for That’s Amore.

Per Suzie Bird, Derek with the Rock the Park program approached and offered the July 3rd date for fundraising. The Cleveland Orchestra will be performing that day, with a rain date of July 9th, Suzie accepted on the band’s behalf.

Christine and Colleen would like to submit the 2018/19 fundraising dates by the February 26th booster meeting. The fundraisers will be discussed and voted on at the February executive meeting. Mr Bonitz will need to decide which (if any) of the fundraisers are earmarked for the 2019 band trip.

Publicist: Cassie: Cassie needs a photographer for the 5th grade band concert as she will be working.

Uniform Report: Report given by Michelle Reed. Fifteen uniforms were purchased in December, 45-50 students were measured and sized. Most kids seemed very excited about moving forward in band. We need 1 tuxedo jacket, next year we may need more jackets for a larger size selection. Next week we will inventory the marching band uniforms. Post Amore, Michelle would like to discuss the drill team uniforms and the possibility of having a male uniform.  Karen volunteered to pick up the dry cleaned uniforms.

Spirit Wear Report: Carie: Long sleeved shirt sales went well. She will be ordering more magnets. Carie and husband are working on the stylized shirt designs. Hoping the current juniors can submit a t-shirt design for next fall, their senior year. She would like to see an online sale of spirit wear especially before the holidays. One shirt idea is to tie the band show themes to the shirt themes. Would like to do a survey for band/spirit wear ideas.

Old Business: None stated.

New Business:  None stated.

Adjourn: Call for a motion to adjourn was made by Jack Rapkin. Motion to accept by Cassie Via, 2nd by Colleen Larson. The meeting was adjourned at 7:03pm.