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June 2017 Booster Meeting Minutes

Booster Minutes Monday June 19, 2017

Meeting called to order by Jack Rapkin at 7:16pm

Meeting Minutes:

Secretary’s Report: Meeting minutes from May 22, 2017 were sent via email to the Band Booster Board and attendees by Kelly Kijauskas. A call was made by Jack Rapkin for any edits and changes to the minutes as they were written and distributed. Motion to approve the minutes as written was made by Karen Wilson and 2nd by Suzie Bird. Motion passed.

President’s Remarks: Jack Rapkin stated he spoke with Kathy Powers and MaryAnn regarding Booster meetings at the school during the year, he was told that the third Monday of the month had many conflicts throughout the year and was given alternative dates, some being only 1 week apart. He will continue to work with Ms Powers and the school to find a better solution.

Directors Report:

Mr Resnick: None given.

Mr Bonitz: Submitted via email and distributed with the meeting agenda. Mr Bonitz states he is working on submitting the student totals and roster numbers to Cassandra. He has approved the design that Susie sent him for the polo shirts. The music for both halftime shows has been selected.

Band Council Report: Report given by Jaina Gedeon. Jaina is the President, Noah Bartolovich is Vice President, Zahra Najafi the secretary, Kevin Boozer is the treasurer, Kiara Durbin, Publicist , Nia Thompson and Peter Weiss are Equipment Managers.The bracelets have been designed and chosen, they will be blue and silver. The poster is still being worked on. The council has been working on the “Spirit Week” days, so far they have a “Hawaiian day” and a “Throw back Thursday”. They would like to do a party the last day of band camp, at the park. Some thoughts for fundraising include a car wash, a night out at either Chipotle or Chick Fil A. They do plan on doing the penny wars again this year. Jaina will communicate final details for the July 3rd concert to student volunteers.

Committee Reports:

Treasurer’s report: Jack will pass the books over to Karen Wilson this week. The end of the year audit will be completed. At this time @$9,000 is left, with a few bills left to pay. Projected balance is @$5000. This total does not include the savings account or CD, which totals an additional @$12,000.

Concessions: The 4 shelving units for the concession stand storage room and a cart has been ordered, and is awaiting delivery. The storage room is still inaccessible at this time due to construction of the scoreboards, so they are still waiting on a time to set up. Concessions will shop for the upcoming band picnic.

Volunteers: Ileana is working on registering the boosters for the Kohl’s Cares program. Through this program, we can have 5 Kohls’ employees volunteer to help us and Kohls’ will grant us $500.

Fundraising: Committee has been waiting for the new letterhead to complete the solicitation letters going out to businesses. Letters will start going out soon.

Publicist: Cassie is working on updating the website. Kelly has updated the flyer for the upcoming picnic. Cassandra will send the flyer that is on the flash drive to ERC printers. Susie will pick up from the printers. Flyer has been given to Jaina to share with students. Jaina will communicate to students through emails and social media regarding the picnic.

Uniform Report: Report given by Michelle Reed. Cinch bags have been ordered. Garmet bags, spats, and gloves are to be ordered. The trousers have come back. There is a male drill team member this year, per Sue, his uniform has been delivered. Michelle Reed has jury duty the first week of band camp. Per Edie: The invoice for the forte shirts has been submitted.

Spirit Wear Report: Report given by Carie Ketz. She will have a selection of merchandise to sell at the band picnic, shirts, hats, magnets, decals. Per Susie Bird, she spoke with Sue, the polo shirts should be done the week before band camp. She also spoke to Sue regarding the additional spirit wear shirts that would be more universal. Board will choose 5 designs from among the selection submitted. Colors should be neutral. Karen will collect submissions and email the board to vote. There will be 5 choices uploaded to the website, top 3 will be voted on, in addition to the one designed/selected by the students. Jaina will communicate with band students regarding submission and selection of student ideas for shirts. Once chosen, design will be presented to board by Jaina. A few shirts of each size (M-@XL) will be available in the stands, with an order form for additional shirts.

Tag Day: Discussion regarding cost vs profit in relation to printing door tags. Per Suzie, Amore should be listed on the door tag. Fundraising and publicist committees will update door tags, board will approve either via email or by the July 10th meeting. Cassie will forward information to Lisa for printing, by the last week of July. In order for RBC siblings to participate in Tag day, Mr Bonitz would need to approve, Emergency contact information and parental approval would need to be provided. Vehicle coordination would need to be considered. Suggestion made to put on spring calendar for 2018 to talk to Mr Resnick regarding recruiting RBC students for assisting with tag day. We will need 30 adult drivers (estimating a band of 120 individuals) and 8 volunteers to count money. The board will decide whether to ask parents for donations of snacks and water or if food for afterwards will be deducted from the in-coming donations.

Old Business: Per Suzie Bird, she spoke with Chad regarding the advertising banners on the field; she is still waiting for an answer. She also spoke with the Kettle Corn vendor, the vendor is agreeable to being placed on the calendar to provide kettle corn and snow cones (weather permitting).

New Business: Booster Sam’s Club card account needs to be updated to reflect concessions committee. Karen Wilson will obtain a Visa bank card/debit to make charging/billing easier. Karen will hold the card in her possession.

Adjourn: Call for a motion to adjourn was made by Jack Rapkin. Motion to accept by Kelly Kijauskas, 2nd by Colleen Larson. The meeting was adjourned at 8:54pm.